
About Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisis viverra dolor, ut ultrices orci maximus ut. Nunc imperdiet dolor odio.


Study abroad with someone who knows the way

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sodales blandit turpis scelerisque semper. Praesent bibendum ex sit amet dui accumsan fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus at ultrices risus.

Vivamus eu tortor finibus, convallis nibh ac, lobortis turpis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec cursus aliquam velit eget dictum. Etiam sit amet dolor blandit, faucibus metus vitae, auctor leo. Proin semper libero quis ante porttitor rhoncus. Vestibulum vitae orci sagittis, accumsan nisl vitae, accumsan est. Nam vel ornare turpis, eu fringilla massa.


Our mission is to empower students by offering comprehensive integrated services that streamline the journey from choosing a university to launching a career abroad. We believe in nurturing not only academic excellence but also personal growth and professional skills.


We envision a future where students from all over the world can effortlessly access top-tier global education and career opportunities. Lumo360 is committed to removing barriers, fostering diversity, and enabling students to achieve their fullest potential through our innovative platform.


Lumo360 was founded with the vision of making international education accessible and successful for students worldwide. We understand the challenges students face when studying abroad and are committed to providing the support they need to excel.

Meet our team

At Lumo360, we are a diverse and dynamic team of technology experts, business professionals, and experienced consultants. Our tech team ensures our platform is user-friendly, secure, and cutting-edge. Our business team brings extensive experience in strategy, marketing, and finance. Additionally, our consultants provide valuable insights and personalised support, leveraging their years of experience in the education sector. Together, we deliver exceptional service and innovative solutions to meet the needs of students and universities worldwide.


Joe Bridges



Joe Bridges

Cheif Executive Officer


Joe Bridges

Chief Technology Officer


Joe Bridges

Creative Director